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At Simply Gold, we’ll give you cash for your unwanted gold! We are sure you have quite a few questions and we’ve done our best to answer them all here. If you have any further questions, please feel free to give us a call and we’ll be happy to help you.
Q. How much does this process cost?A. Nothing! It is completely free. There is no obligation once you have received your Simply Gold Pack
Q. Why are your payouts higher than my local pawn or jewellery store?A. Simply Gold has a large purchasing volume and is also a web-operated business which means we have a very low overhead compared to traditional stores. Our customer satisfaction rate is at 90% meaning very low returns cutting our operating costs and ending in more money for you.
Q. What type of precious metal do you buy?A. We accept anything containing gold, silver, platinum, and other precious metals, such as necklaces, charms, bracelets, rings, earrings, cufflinks, pins, or other jewellery. We also accept coins, collectibles, decorative pieces, silver flatware, or even dental work. We do not accept or provide any payments for watches, timepieces, or coins that are current and legal tender in Canada or elsewhere. We will not pay for the artistic value of the items sent. We do not purchase plated gold. If you have any items with the following markings, please do not include them with your shipment: GE or GF - Gold Filled | RGP - Rolled Gold Plate | EPNS - Electroplated Nickel Silver | HGE - Heavy Gold Plate | GS - Gold Shell | GP - Gold Plate.
Q. Is my Simply Gold Pack insured if it is lost in the mail?A. Yes. You will be covered on the loss of your package up to $100.00CDN by Canada Post If you feel that you would like to have your items insured for more than $100.00CDN, it will be your responsibility to ensure that your items are insured for the amount you feel is necessary. Purchasing additional insurance can be done at any Canada Post outlet.
Q. How much will I get paid for my precious metal?A. Each payment we issue to our customers is different, depending on the contents and the quantity. Our payments are competitive and extremely fair. We guarantee you will be happy with the payment, or we will send you back your precious metal at no cost to you insuring the return mail for up to a maximum of $500, no questions asked. Please visit our What We Pay page for more info.
Q. Do you buy diamonds or any other gems?A. We are not currently providing any payments for, nor will we return any non-precious metal materials to you. If the stone is of value to you we recommend that you remove it before sending in your items. Our appraisal will be based solely on the precious metal value.
Q. When will I find out the value of my precious metals?A. As soon as our appraisal is complete and a value has been determined, we will send you a payment and notify you via e-mail. This is 24h to 48h after receiving your items.
Q. How do I know this process is safe and secure?Once the package is received in our facility, we carefully unpack, weigh, and test it to determine the value of your goods. All this process is videotaped for your protection always keeping your package secure.
Q. What if I decide to cancel the transaction?A. Our offers are very competitive, and we are confident that you will be satisfied with your payout. If for any reason you wish to cancel the transaction, simply have your payment returned to Simply Gold no later than fourteen (14) days from the date on the check or date of the electronic payout we will return your merchandise to you at no cost. If we do not hear from you or do not receive a return of the payment within fourteen (14) days calendar from the date the check or date of the electronic payment was issued, you will be deemed to have accepted the offered payment. If your payment is cashed or deposited in a bank or any other financial institute, this will constitute an acceptance by you of our offer of payment. The transaction will be deemed final and completed. The goods will be processed for refinement.
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